Happy Jack is a heartfelt platform dedicated to raising awareness and funds for mental health, established by the late Jack Nathan.
Jack created art on apparel to manage his depression and anxiety and to let others know that they were not alone. Jack donated 1,000 dollars to the Child Mind Institute after his first week of sales.
Tragically, Jack passed at the age of 19, shortly after launching Happy Jack World, from Fentanyl Poisoning.
His family continues to share Jack's artwork to honor his legacy, and to continue his mission.
Together we can make this world a better place for those struggling with mental health. .
Your purchases have allowed us to make donations to the following, in Jack's memory, and in our commitment to mental health:
Active Minds, Child Mind Institute, Born this Way Foundation, Runway of Dreams, Riley's Dance, JaneStrong, Lean on Me, Denver University, American Cancer Society, Song for Charlie, University of Miami, Release Recovery Foundation and NAMI Houston.

In Memoriam:
"Jack told me that he used to care what people thought of him, but he realized that it took too much energy and he'd much rather do what made him happy."• HANNAH
"Jack's world was one with no judgement, unending love.. he showed many that it's okay not to be perfect, not to always be happy, to not take life too seriously and to be completely immersed in the present moment."• ADAM
"Jack defied social norms and created a world for himself where he could do what he loved and be successful that is something most people don't ever realize is possible." • LAWRENCE
"Jack made me feel like I was the most extraordinary kid in the world." • ELI
"We had plans for changing the world for kids like us. Jack was absolutely one in a million and I have never met anyone like him." • MATTHEW
"Jack repeated, "If you are bored, that is your own problem." That has helped me get out of the house." • ETHAN
"Jack focused all his love and energy on the people that truly mattered to him and on what made him happy... the important things in life." • COLBY
"Jack is a soul that will live on forever. He changed my life and inspired me to live life to the fullest and never care what other people thought." • ARIS
"Jack was remarkable, incredible, compassionate, loving and real. He reminded everyone to just be happy and to embrace who you are unapologetically." • PHOEBE
"The legacy that Jack created will live on." •EVAN
"I've never seen someone so passionate or motivated to change the world while making their own brand and doing what they love." •MARC
"Jack lives on through the brand he made for everyone who struggled like he did. He was selfless, goofy and real." • JENNI